Home Creation Creation and Evolution (01)

Creation and Evolution (01)

from Andi
Ein Schmetterling - Wunder der Natur

We live in a world full of miracles. It is astonishing that the theory of evolution has become a generally accepted dogma in the western world. Can so many wonders in nature have come about by chance (by mutation and selection) without a plan? I am currently reading a new German book “Creation or Evolution – A Clear Case?” by Reinhard Junker and would like to devote some contributions to this topic.

For whom am I writing about creation and evolution?

I am writing to you!

Have you been taught since your childhood that all animals, plants, and you yourself came into being by chance? That you can see, hear, taste and smell because “nature” ingeniously “invented” that? Then I would like to challenge you to question this belief.

Are you a Christian, Muslim, or Hindu and do you believe in a Creator, but are unsettled because you are constantly told in school and in media that everything came into being by chance over millions of years? Then I would like to encourage you with these articles to hold on to your conviction. There are good, scientific reasons for a creator.

Two theses to start with

From the book mentioned above, I would like to preface two theses from the first chapter, “Questions of Origin.”

The empirical data of the natural sciences can be used as circumstantial evidence to clarify the case of “Creation or Evolution?”

from: Schöpfung oder Evolution – Ein klarer Fall? page 12

The majority of the scientists do not consider the possibility of a creation. But with it they give up the search for truth.

from: Schöpfung oder Evolution – Ein klarer Fall? page 12

Of course, I want to remain factual. I am not a natural scientist and therefore I am quoting from books and movies to give myself and you a good overview of the subject.

To get you started, watch a short film on Youtube: Debunk Darwin in 5 mins. Listen to Dr. Michael J. Behe, professor of biochemistry, explain why Charles Darwin’s theory is inadequate to explain the origin of life.

“We have no idea”

Let’s hear from a chemist who self-critically said the following (and he is not a defender of creationism, according to Wikipedia):

We have no idea how molecules that form living systems could have come into being so that they could have performed their biological functions by working together. We have no idea how a simple set of molecules could form carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins, how they combined in an appropriate sequence, and how they then transformed in an orderly fashion to the construction of a complex system, eventually to the first cell. No one has any idea how this came about, given the known mechanisms of chemistry.

James M. Tour (2017), quoted in a german journal (Wort und Wissen 3/2017)

In further articles, I will bring creation references that show that the coincidental emergence of animals, plants, and humans is very improbable.

What can we gain?

What do we gain by believing in a Creator?

  • Gratitude: You have someone to thank for all the wonders of this world.
  • Awe: As you contemplate these wonders, you sense there is something greater.
  • Meaning: you are planned and willed and not a product of chance.
  • Can you think of more?

You can find the continuation of this article here: Creation and Evolution (02) – The Butterfly as Evidence of Creation

Link to the cited book (currently available only in the German language): Schöpfung oder Evolution – Ein klarer Fall?”


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